Horsham Circle of Life Festival

Saturday May 28 to Saturday June 4, 2016

The aim of the Horsham Circle of Life Festival, is to enrich the heart of our community and bring people together to celebrate life. There is a strong focus on honouring and respecting our planet, leading to a more connected life-style. This series of highly creative events (many of which are free of charge) is designed to include families and people of all ages within our multi-cultural society.

The week-long Festival will be launched on Saturday May 28th at 3pm by Councillor Kate Rowbottom at The Drill Hall, Denne Road, Horsham, RH12 1JF. Also at this event there will be music, song and storytelling to feed the soul, with a ceremony to celebrate Later Life in support of Age UK Horsham District.

Inspired by local resident, Jean Francis, a minister with the One Spirit Foundation, the festival celebrates the many professionals who offer support at every stage of life, through a series of ceremonies marking events from birth, coming-of-age and other significant relationships to eventual death and dying, with joy and optimism.

Throughout the week there will be events celebrating the beauty of the earth and whichSussex Green Living robotsoffer guidance on the care and management of our environment. These will include ‘green-play’ for children, helping them to learn about the importance recycling through fun and playful activities.

Other events include the inner journey of the labyrinth. Followed by the option of a walk as a way to encourage appreciation of our beautiful Sussex countryside and its heritage, which offers a contemplative journey through nature along the river bank.

Focus will also be given to the healing powers of music and in particular, the wonder of sound, including an organ recital. Music, song, dance and ceremony will seek to enhance the atmosphere of the festival celebration.

The closing event is at 3pm on Saturday 4th June at The Drill Hall, Denne Road, Horsham, in support of Cancer Research UK. This will include moments of quiet in which to celebrate, contemplate and remember loved ones during a candle-lighting ceremony as we celebrate LIFE, followed by a Rock ‘n’ Roll Tea Dance.

For more information contact Jean Francis on 01403 273754,



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